Welcome to our Institute

At an exciting and potentially dangerous moment in our history, our focus is on two sides of the human equation: the positive and negative human factors that, interacting with technology, will shape our collective future.

First, we focus on the human factors that contribute to our global challenges – the cognitive biases, ideological thinking, myopia, and all of the failures of empathy and imagination that help place us in polyvalent crises today, instigating, aiding and abetting issues like intergroup conflict, climate change, overconsumption, authoritarianism, and misinformation. To tackle these challenges effectively, we must understand and identify more accurately the root causes that drive them.

Secondly, we celebrate the human factors that hold the potential to remedy these problems – creativity, leadership, critical thinking, empathy and emotional intelligence. These qualities are the key to designing innovative solutions, nurturing inclusive societies, and addressing the existential threats faced by our planet and our species.

Our unique approach simultaneously targets the dynamic interplay between these human factors and emerging technologies. AI, virtual reality, quantum computing, and genetic engineering are reshaping the human condition and what it means to be human. Our future that grows out of these technologies will be a reflection of the human psychology—collective and individual–that wields them.

Members of our advisory board of worldclass experts are leaders in their fields who are dedicated to unraveling some of the complex, interdisciplinary challenges facing humanity. Our object is to engage in a dialogue and propose projects that transcend conventional boundaries, aiming to offer innovative insights and pragmatic solutions to some of the most pressing concerns of our time.

We hope you will find some way of join us on this journey and of assisting others in exploration and discovery. We have no choice but to navigate uncharted territories, but by judiciously embracing technology and harnessing the best of human potential to face our own weaknesses and greatest challenge we have the opportunity to produce a brighter human future. 



Executive Director visiting Washington, DC and San Francisco.


Director’s article one of the most-cited articles in the Journal of Intelligence for 2023:

Creativity, Critical Thinking, Communication, and Collaboration: Assessment, Certification, and Promotion of 21st Century Skills for the Future of Work and Education. J. Intell. 2023, 11, 54. https://doi.org/10.3390/jintelligence11030054


Signifies the transformative power of imagination, where ideas and positivity converge to shape a brighter tomorrow.


We embrace the future as a tapestry of diverse possibilities to navigate by crafting visions that illuminate the way forward for all of humanity in an ever-changing world.


In the age of AI, technology, and exponential change, we anchor ourselves in the essence of what it means to be human, championing empathy, shared values, and the embrace of inevitable change as we forge new horizons for the collective betterment of our world.

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